Simply as possible instructions
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1: Get one or 2 friends on-side who agree to link their top ten list with our global tribe a kind of virtual private cloud network.
A:/ How?
In your own time, publish a top ten list. Link it to the mother-ship click the share button,
B:/ Why?
because we want action on environment issues in the economic equation. (our power of 1 has doubled right there)
attempt it with another friend or neighbor. more than 2 isn't required for the growth but it's good if your up for it. <@t> friends who care know how to show it with a blog post or art work offering. Why?... because Changes are needed that helps reduce industry impact on water and air, Rivers and forests.
2: Agreement is made with the Community of impact,
A loud voice is one that listens more that it speaks. Your action on this will validate your
place in the g local community of social activists peers.
this action will only show fruit for your local tribe if it's acted upon! it's up to you to be the
change you want to see in the world by saying Yes! pass it on, pollination brings green growth.
2: play IT 4 ward.
When 2 step up and nano agree, aa micro agreement is in gestation.
Genuine co-visioning community of Impact care agreement,
copy this simple action.
More About Us
Links-Plus2 Blog
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1: Get one or 2 friends on-side who agree to link their top ten list with our global tribe a kind of virtual private cloud network.
A:/ How?
In your own time, publish a top ten list. Link it to the mother-ship click the share button,
B:/ Why?
because we want action on environment issues in the economic equation. (our power of 1 has doubled right there)
attempt it with another friend or neighbor. more than 2 isn't required for the growth but it's good if your up for it. <@t> friends who care know how to show it with a blog post or art work offering. Why?... because Changes are needed that helps reduce industry impact on water and air, Rivers and forests.
2: Agreement is made with the Community of impact,
A loud voice is one that listens more that it speaks. Your action on this will validate your
place in the g local community of social activists peers.
this action will only show fruit for your local tribe if it's acted upon! it's up to you to be the
change you want to see in the world by saying Yes! pass it on, pollination brings green growth.
2: play IT 4 ward.
When 2 step up and nano agree, aa micro agreement is in gestation.
Genuine co-visioning community of Impact care agreement,
copy this simple action.
More About Us
Links-Plus2 Blog