Just add a page to the local tribe or
Start a local Web Site in the virtual organic cloud The info at /instruction-manual.html |
Make a growth Investment in the Queensland Hemp products industry with our FNQHP development seed fund. The special fund will keep earning interest for investors even if the products fail to make a profit. Email initial enquirers to (Save Nature Free @ gmail.com) remove spaces
Get a valuable Vaiscope District URL free website, when you leave the hosts name on the site,
Our cost are met by donations and ads space, deceased estates etc.
I don't say it's child's play, mind U children are creating webpages. so there may be a slight learning curve for older folk not familiar with drag and drop page creation. What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)
Our cost are met by donations and ads space, deceased estates etc.
I don't say it's child's play, mind U children are creating webpages. so there may be a slight learning curve for older folk not familiar with drag and drop page creation. What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)
This will change in a few weeks, days, or maybe even hours.
It's not selling or buying!!! Vaiscope is virtual ai block
chain operating in the cloud, Managed by organic intel.
Investing in the future is simple
with Vaiscope, and fee-less, awesome as starting up a
special p2tp document online that is also a webpage simple right?
did i say free webpage? ... your own Node on a blockchain think about iT
p2tp-Vaiscope.net Node (hub old school). naming convention
www.p2tp-[district].net or .weebly or .wix
Don't just take my word, look at the link A url I registered in 2007 is now valued over $10K You can check that but if it says less than
$100 refresh or reload the page at appraisal/savenaturefree.org
You are already part of the web, why not invest in your own District p2tp URL? With one group only per district, only
those acting soon will secure a p2tp URL. This is Organic super computing open ai Blockchain excellence from the global group
Can't start an F R -E -E fee-less local node, chip in instead
If you have a few bob can you help us keep the lights on? Chip-in here
It takes between 70 to 75% approval to change a groups policy's If two p2tp VAISCOPE groups are in the same district they will have to amalgamate.
Name your free group... P2tp[Your-District].weebly.com If you want your own .net .org or whatever that's fine, The ai can accommodate any kind of extension.

Your reward comes from you're
decision to create your local team
District hub. Awesome Mentors show you
how to add a couple of friends
which insures your hub grows.
decision to create your local team
District hub. Awesome Mentors show you
how to add a couple of friends
which insures your hub grows.